Checkpoints and dropping out

Maximum running times

The maximum running time for marathon is 6,5 hours from the start. This means the runner must cross the finishing line at 5.30 pm at the latest, to be able to get a result. 

The half-marathon finish area is closed at the same time as marathon, so the maximum running time for half-marathon is 4h 15 min. These time limitations will be used in all functions of the race, for example the services after the race will be closed according to the schedule at 5:30 pm. If needed, the slower runners will get a lift back to the race center. 

With 10K and 5K there is no time limitations.


Dropping out during the race

If you need to drop out during the race you will get a lift to the race center. Please contact the nearest officials of the race. 

In case you prefer to leave the place by your own ride, please phone the office at +358 400 890760 so that you are not searched after the race.

Checkpoints for the pace are as follows

There are control points along the route to check that runners meet the maximum running time. 

Marathon runners: Checkpoint at Keilaniemi, about 23 km, must be passed latest 3h20min after the start of marathon.

There is no exact checkpoints for half marathon, but race officials can stop a runner going slower pace than 5,25km/h.